- 联系人 : 周先生
- 联系电话 : 0512-68050030
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- Email : 610421391@qq.com
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蓝宝紫外线灯泡/瑞典兰宝灯管/PS135紫外线灯光源labino DUV-35W型是按照统一标准生产的带有标准接口的紫外线灯泡, labino DUV 35W紫外线灯泡原装瑞典兰宝进口,质量可靠。
产品型号: labino DUV 35W
Lamp model: labino PS135
灯泡功率/Lamp wattage: 35 W
工作电压/Lamp voltage: 85 +- 17 V
启动电压/Starting voltage: max 25 Kv
波长/UVA: 315-400 nm
灯泡寿命/Service life: 2000 hours
labino DUV 35W 紫外线灯泡操作者紫外线防护周全:
labino DUV 35灯泡工作时务必佩戴专业紫外线防护眼镜.
Always wear safety glasses when workingwith the labino DUV-35 bulb
Avoid direct contact with bare hands by wearing protective gloves
Body parts exposed to direct light from the lamp for long periods of time
should be covered
labino DUV-35只能用在密闭的专业的反光杯里
The labino DUV-35 bulb should only be inserted in a closed reflector
labino DUV-35只能和专业的紫外线灯触发器配套使用.
Use the labino DUV-35 bulb only with the labino electronic trigger ballast. An
automotive ballast cannot be used.
蓝宝紫外线灯泡/瑞典兰宝灯管/PS135紫外线灯光源labino DUV-35W型英文资料介绍:
The Labino® DUV 35 is an exceptional gas discharge UV bulb manufactured in
cooperation with Philips. Our high pressure arc bulb is characterizedby
superior output performance,intense UV light with a peak at 365 nanometres, and
a long service life of over 2000 hours.The Labino® DUV 35 is only to be used in
combination with the Labino® Trigger Ballast as our
electronic ballast was specifically developed to optimize the output from this light source.
• Labino article number: F101
• Lamp model: DUV 35
• Condition for use: Only with the Labino®
Trigger Ballast
• Luminous flux: 1200 Lm
• Luminous efficacy: 35 Lm/W
• Lamp wattage: 35 W
• Lamp voltage: 85 +- 17 V
• Starting voltage: max 25 kV
• Emitted light energy: 4.5 W
• UVA: 315-400 nm
• Service life: 2000 hours
• Pressure inside lamp: In cold state 2,6 bar
In hot state 40 bar
Labino PS135灯泡|宝紫外线灯泡|ps135灯泡|外灯泡
• Always wear safety glasses when working
with the Labino® DUV-35 bulb
• Avoid direct contact with bare hands by
wearing protective gloves
• Body parts exposed to direct light from the
lamp for long periods of time should be
• The Labino® DUV-35 bulb should only be
inserted in a closed reflector
• Use the Labino® DUV-35 bulb only with the
Labino® electronic trigger ballast. An
automotive ballast cannot be used.
蓝宝紫外线灯泡/瑞典兰宝灯管/PS135紫外线灯光源labino DUV-35W型
• Do not mechanically damage defective lamps
• Defective lamps should be disposed of as
special waste